Frequently Asked Questions
Q: "I am not a Lutheran, can I still worship at Calvary?"
A: Absolutely! Everyone is welcome at Calvary, even if you have never attended church. We welcome you to unite with Calvary. A New Member Orientation can be held to acquaint you to the ELCA churchwide, to the congregation, and to each other. We confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and do not re-baptize children or adults. So no matter where you came from, we are happy to have you!
Q: "When are services held?"
A: Worship service is currently held every Sunday at 9:00 AM and is live streamed through YouTube. We'd love for you to join us!
Q: "Can I take Communion?"
A: Absolutely! All are welcome at the Lord's Table.
Q: "Do you have Bible Studies?"
A: Yes, but make sure you check the calendar since it frequently updates.
Q: "How do I ask the Church to pray for me or my loved ones?"
A: There are three avenues for lifting them up in prayer:
1. The Sunday Prayer (given near the end of the Sunday church service)
2. The Prayer Chain (a "chain" of people that pray about your concerns to God)
3. The Prayer Group (a group dedicated to prayer concerns)
Contact the Church Administrative Assistant to choose any one of these options.